Saturday, 23 May 2020

and this is where we reach.

Masks are usually associated with bandits.

Now we cant even buy bread without them..

Friday, 22 May 2020

I am cookiiiinnngg

Well..Trinidad and Tobago is coming out of its covid lockdown.

As of today we now have 0 active cases...reported.

I am not ready to jump up and down yet. The borders may be closed but they are Hella porous.

One boat from Tucapita and we press the "reset" button on our efforts. It is mildly terrifying.

So.I continue to be a homebody but I enjoy my outdoor sejourns for exercise and/or a quick walkabout

And boy oh boy am I cooking!

Chinese, soups, blue berry bread, mango bread, pancakes, beef! Im doing it! And im.not halfway bad! 

Saturday, 2 May 2020

keeping connected during COVID - lit like litmus

Yes yes..the pandemic is still here.
Yes yes I'm still stuck indoors with little to do. It is indeed a miracle that I enjoy my own company, a good book and a decent movie/tv series as these are in abundance these days.

I've lagged on my dance classes with Alvin Ailey :(, but I hope next week that I find my inspiration again.

One of the challenges of an extroverted introvert like me, is to not forget those connections during this period where it's sooo easy to isolate that?

Well...DRAIN IT!  The COVID edition to the rescue!!! The peeps thought it unforgivable if I did not call a DRAIN IT during this unique period..and I am.not one to disappoint!

So last nite we all gathered...(after resolving some technical difficulties as we quickly realised that Houseparty can only hold 7 at a time and we had people outside the event and had to make an impromptu switch over to zoom...sponsored by CARPHA (thanks Sketchkosi) ..from all corners including Cayman and NYC to old talk, shit talk for a couple of hours and effectively get plastered off of our own liquor all the way to 1:30am this morning.

Result..a good time was had and I literally got drunk off my own liquor...shame.
Couldn't get up till 2pm when I embarked epic fry fest to try to recreate hangover food - and seeing that kfc and royal castle are still closed. Cue - Royal Nikki!