Saturday, 13 February 2021 a chair

Went to Kes today.

Iwer was fire as usual.

But it was weird and uncomfortable sitting for 4hrs

Saturday, 6 February 2021

2021 is what you make it

How we individually define success is a really funny too achievement.

Some may say having family and engendering relationships is the ultimate goal..for others it's not.

For of the definitions is being FREE OF TTMF baby! At least I now have one chain off my neck instead of two.

Belmont is paid off beeyotches!! Jan 2017 to Feb 5 2021. 4 years of continuing to live like I'm still on my first salary and it's done!!
Im so happy and relieved and a little bit proud of myself.

Now on to the bigger damned chain..Diego Martin lol.

In other is going decently enough. First semester was hectic, I was perpetually exhausted (or could it be from the other reason back in Nov..hmmm) and just overrall stressed and not impressed.

But! I have two 3s, one 4 and three 5s under my belt...God is good and I will revel in the small "wins"