Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Definitely a quick minute

It's been definitely a quick minute since I've posted something.

It is so easy to get out of the habit of these things ! I don't believe in resolutions but its a new year..so I've decided to yank the chain and I'm ready to go.

So what have I been up to ?

Well . I went to London to go to a party (yes I was that desperate). Turns out I wasn't the only desperate Caribbean national as gals from Germany and New York came to take part in the daily pump :)
London also served as my depot for sending out my PhD applications (obviously I enjoy torture). If the applications were so stressful, I'd hate to imagine the next 4 years if I'm accepted :s

It was good to see my family - my uncle and aunt - who are always hilarious, ever cool, up to the times and I ALWAYS learn something when I go there (ever heard of iPhone-ography? ...u laugh...ish is real. Photography with your iPhone. Real courses which people pay money to do :s )
But! I indulged my aunt and bought her a 360 degree scope for her iPhone so she could take panoramic photos in one go :)

I also went to the island who shall not be named (Malta). More or less I would like to forget this trip ever happened. The only good thing about Malta is ...hey it was cheap. 10euro per night for a basic hotel with breakfast and amazing, never ending hot water supply? Priceless.

Otherwise , in my opinion, the people are weird and RACIST (evidenced by a tourist operator calling me a monkey in the middle of the street after I politely declined his horse and buggy ride) and the country , outside of the tourist areas, looks like a nuclear catastrophe occurred.

Yeah. Not my kind of pump :/

The christmas and new years were spent in Nimes and Bordeaux respectively where I ate and ate and ate like a Ngyumayum (Trinidadians over 25  would know this :D ) .

I've had my full and more of things I've never tasted or done in my life. Foie Gras, oysters, ice skating (just like rollerblading ..who knew lol ), risotto (yum), onion jam (its really really good).
What made it even more amazing is that one of the family members that I hung out with is a chef in Paris !!! (Cue greedy and satisfied grin).

Ah I can only say, I've been detoxing for the past 4 days. Boy do I.miss that chef. My cooking is just downright deplorable sometimes.

So school is back on and the next trip is Luxembourg ! :) I'm excited and not at the same time but, I'm keeping an open mind after Malta.

White people, you guys are ok. But some of you have some SERIOUS issues (besides all the mass murder :s)

That's it for now. As usual. Photos !

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